Digital remains the fastest growing advertising category.

1.9 Billion

Monthly active users of Facebook

3.5 Billion

Daily searches on Google

Your potential home buyers are far less likely to be paying attention to a bench ad, a TV ad, a radio ad, or any other type of print ad. They are currently browsing the internet, and it is our job to place your property where they can see it: on their laptop and mobile screens.


At Realty ONE Group Refined, our team offers a comprehensive marketing solution geared towards helping our clients achieve their real estate goals. We are committed to providing personalized support and guidance throughout the entire process, recognizing the significance of cultivating strong relationships within the real estate industry. Our customized approach enables us to engage with our target clients effectively, enhance brand visibility, drive sales, and elevate overall engagement.

Our goal is to equip our clients with the tools they need to thrive in a competitive real estate market. By delivering tailored strategies, proactive support, and impactful marketing techniques, we empower our clients to succeed. The expertise and dedication of our team play a pivotal role in facilitating our clients' real estate achievements.

Aggressive marketing and re-marketing across the entire digital landscape

Precise demographic targeting

Highly advanced and proactive customer support


Our team understands that your property holds immense value to you. Trust in us as a dedicated team of agents, all committed to serving your best interests. Our expertise is unmatched, as we have collectively undergone thorough training, honing our skills to become some of the best agents in the industry.

As a team, we are relentless in our efforts, doing whatever it takes to find the right buyers and secure the best deals for all our clients. Our approach is rooted in diligent research, and we are always ready to leverage pertinent information to increase demand for properties, irrespective of their price, type, or location.

When you engage Realty ONE Group Refined, you're not just getting an individual agent - you're gaining the support of a whole team dedicated to achieving the best outcomes for you.


Our team is dedicated to ensuring that you are well informed about every pertinent detail throughout the sales process, spanning from lead generation to the final sale. In essence, we aim to keep you updated at each stage of the journey.